Images from Little Salon

Added on by Fawna Xiao.

Little Salon blew me away Wednesday night! I am so, so fortunate to be in such good company. Nights like those make my heart swell up with the love and creativity that this city has to offer -- what a really beautiful place! DC gets hit a lot as an uncreative city, and that's just plain wrong. 

I brought an old-school clamp board and set it up in lovely Jane's living room and we did some live screenprinting. I've done it before, but at a really poorly attended event. This felt like I was on a stage - there were crowds of people around the table, taking pictures and watching with smiles on their faces. It was so cool! I walked away with a killer adrenaline rush and full of positivity.

My friend Will and I getting ready to do some damage. (Image thanks to Will Gordon)

My friend Will and I getting ready to do some damage. (Image thanks to Will Gordon)

A guy asked if he could print his shirt instead of the paper  - of course, I said yes. (Image thanks to Adam Clarke)

A guy asked if he could print his shirt instead of the paper  - of course, I said yes. (Image thanks to Adam Clarke)

Sandra Beasley reading to a packed house. (Image thanks to Chris Maier)

Sandra Beasley reading to a packed house. (Image thanks to Chris Maier)

Can't quite see me, but I'm demonstrating a pull here. (Image thanks to Chris Maier)

Can't quite see me, but I'm demonstrating a pull here. (Image thanks to Chris Maier)